P-ISSN 2587-2400 | E-ISSN 2587-196X
EJMO. 2018; 2(4): 243-246 | DOI: 10.14744/ejmo.2018.0012The Reconstruction of The Anterior Thorax Wall After Sternal Resection Through the Combination of Autologous Fibula Graft and Metal Plate
Serdar Ozkan11Department of Thoracic Surgery, Medova Hospital, Konya, Turkey, Despite rare entities, postoperative sternal osteomyelitis and mediastinitis are pathologies with high mortality that require certain surgical treatment. Even though many techniques are performed for the reconstruction of the sternal resection and anterior thorax wall, there is no accepted gold standard method yet. We present the reconstruction method we performed through the combination of free fibula autograft and metal plate
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Ozkan S. The Reconstruction of The Anterior Thorax Wall After Sternal Resection Through the Combination of Autologous Fibula Graft and Metal Plate. EJMO. 2018; 2(4): 243-246
Corresponding Author: Serdar Ozkan
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